I was Glad

Sunday 11 March, 2018
St Mary-le-Bow, London

Our summer concert was held at the church of St Mary-le-Bow in the City of London, as part of the Brandenburg Choral Festival of London.

For hundreds of years the great cathedrals have resounded to music of prayer and praise, music written to inspire the faithful to worship. In this concert we will present some of the most significant and beloved works of this repertoire. Some are by composers of great renown: Byrd, Elgar, Britten, Jonathan Dove and Sir James MacMillan; other writers such as SS Wesley, Harris, Bairstow and Howells are now chiefly remembered for their strong contributions to the Sound of the English Cathedral.

  • Bairstow: Save us, O Lord, waking
  • Britten: Hymn to St Peter
  • Byrd: Civitas sancti tui
  • Jonathan Dove: Seek him that maketh the seven stars
  • Elgar: Ave Maria
  • Harris: Faire is the heaven
  • Howells: Like as the hart
  • Sir James MacMillan: O radiant dawn
  • Parry: I was glad
  • Tomkins: When David heard
  • SS Wesley: The Wilderness

Tickets cost £18, or £5 for a child, and are available to buy online. We hope to see you there!